Home Learning

Why is Home learning so important?

Home learning is an important part of college life. Homework is a way to practise and extend learning. When your child does their homework regularly, they will feel more confident in lessons, understand their subjects more and achieve better in assessments.  In fact, if they do their homework regularly, that is the equivalent to making 5 months of extra progress (on average)! Doing homework regularly also means that your child can take control of their own learning. This is why homework should become part of their routine.  

Our approach to Home Learning at Corpus Christi Catholic College

Our approach to Home Learning empowers students to become Knowledgeable and Expert Learners by helping them to build effective study habits and develop their independence. It also enables families, students and college to work together to ensure limitless possibilities for all. Our home learning motto is VITA, which means life! We want all our students to be lifelong learners, which will start here at Corpus Christi Catholic College. Your child should expect to get a variety of work each week;


V = Vocabulary (Learn spellings, definitions, complete reading tasks)

I = Internet (tasks will be set online using platforms such as Sparx, Seneca or on Google Classroom)

T = Teach an Adult (this will support with revision)

A = Action (A practical activity e.g. photographs for an art portfolio)


How as a parent can you support your child with home learning?

You don’t need to remember everything you learnt at school to help your child with their learning at home. So much has changed over the years that the most important thing families can do is ask questions about what children are learning and help them to organise their time. If you can help them in any way, they will love it. If they know more than you, just ask them to explain the topic and how they know their answers are right. All they really need is your time and enthusiasm and then the learning will take care of itself. 

  • Here are some suggestions that may help get things going: 
  • Praise, encourage, and ask your child questions about their Home Learning
  • Regularly check and sign your child’s planner to support them to manage the work being set. 
  • Support your child to remove all distractions such as switching off mobile phones, televisions etc. Research tells us that noise (including music) takes up space in our memories if we are also doing something else such as homework.
  • Have they got the right equipment to ensure they can complete the work to the best of their ability (Calculator, class notes etc)
  • Help keep a Home Learning routine for your child, it is helpful if your child has a dedicated place to work, remind them to check Class Charts as this will indicate when deadlines are approaching.
  • Encourage your child to use the library as a quiet space to complete their work independently if this can’t be achieved at home.
  • If your child is finding a piece of work difficult, encourage them to speak to their class teacher in the first instance for support with this.

Use of Class Charts to monitor the home learning being set.

How is Class Charts used for Home Learning? 

Teachers will set all home learning assignments using the Class Charts system. This means that at any time, students and their families can see exactly what home learning has been set, and when the homework is due. They can also see roughly how long each assignment should take, which will help them to manage their time





Home Learning

Why is Home learning so important?

Home learning is an important part of college life. Homework is a way to practise and extend learning. When your child does their homework regularly, they will feel more confident in lessons, understand their subjects more and achieve better in assessments.  In fact, if they do their homework regularly, that is the equivalent to making 5 months of extra progress (on average)! Doing homework regularly also means that your child can take control of their own learning. This is why homework should become part of their routine.  

Our approach to Home Learning at Corpus Christi Catholic College

Our approach to Home Learning empowers students to become Knowledgeable and Expert Learners by helping them to build effective study habits and develop their independence. It also enables families, students and college to work together to ensure limitless possibilities for all. Our home learning motto is VITA, which means life! We want all our students to be lifelong learners, which will start here at Corpus Christi Catholic College. Your child should expect to get a variety of work each week;


V = Vocabulary (Learn spellings, definitions, complete reading tasks)

I = Internet (tasks will be set online using platforms such as Sparx, Seneca or on Google Classroom)

T = Teach an Adult (this will support with revision)

A = Action (A practical activity e.g. photographs for an art portfolio)


How as a parent can you support your child with home learning?

You don’t need to remember everything you learnt at school to help your child with their learning at home. So much has changed over the years that the most important thing families can do is ask questions about what children are learning and help them to organise their time. If you can help them in any way, they will love it. If they know more than you, just ask them to explain the topic and how they know their answers are right. All they really need is your time and enthusiasm and then the learning will take care of itself. 

  • Here are some suggestions that may help get things going: 
  • Praise, encourage, and ask your child questions about their Home Learning
  • Regularly check and sign your child’s planner to support them to manage the work being set. 
  • Support your child to remove all distractions such as switching off mobile phones, televisions etc. Research tells us that noise (including music) takes up space in our memories if we are also doing something else such as homework.
  • Have they got the right equipment to ensure they can complete the work to the best of their ability (Calculator, class notes etc)
  • Help keep a Home Learning routine for your child, it is helpful if your child has a dedicated place to work, remind them to check Class Charts as this will indicate when deadlines are approaching.
  • Encourage your child to use the library as a quiet space to complete their work independently if this can’t be achieved at home.
  • If your child is finding a piece of work difficult, encourage them to speak to their class teacher in the first instance for support with this.

Use of Class Charts to monitor the home learning being set.

How is Class Charts used for Home Learning? 

Teachers will set all home learning assignments using the Class Charts system. This means that at any time, students and their families can see exactly what home learning has been set, and when the homework is due. They can also see roughly how long each assignment should take, which will help them to manage their time





Home Learning

Why is Home learning so important?

Home learning is an important part of college life. Homework is a way to practise and extend learning. When your child does their homework regularly, they will feel more confident in lessons, understand their subjects more and achieve better in assessments.  In fact, if they do their homework regularly, that is the equivalent to making 5 months of extra progress (on average)! Doing homework regularly also means that your child can take control of their own learning. This is why homework should become part of their routine.  

Our approach to Home Learning at Corpus Christi Catholic College

Our approach to Home Learning empowers students to become Knowledgeable and Expert Learners by helping them to build effective study habits and develop their independence. It also enables families, students and college to work together to ensure limitless possibilities for all. Our home learning motto is VITA, which means life! We want all our students to be lifelong learners, which will start here at Corpus Christi Catholic College. Your child should expect to get a variety of work each week;


V = Vocabulary (Learn spellings, definitions, complete reading tasks)

I = Internet (tasks will be set online using platforms such as Sparx, Seneca or on Google Classroom)

T = Teach an Adult (this will support with revision)

A = Action (A practical activity e.g. photographs for an art portfolio)


How as a parent can you support your child with home learning?

You don’t need to remember everything you learnt at school to help your child with their learning at home. So much has changed over the years that the most important thing families can do is ask questions about what children are learning and help them to organise their time. If you can help them in any way, they will love it. If they know more than you, just ask them to explain the topic and how they know their answers are right. All they really need is your time and enthusiasm and then the learning will take care of itself. 

  • Here are some suggestions that may help get things going: 
  • Praise, encourage, and ask your child questions about their Home Learning
  • Regularly check and sign your child’s planner to support them to manage the work being set. 
  • Support your child to remove all distractions such as switching off mobile phones, televisions etc. Research tells us that noise (including music) takes up space in our memories if we are also doing something else such as homework.
  • Have they got the right equipment to ensure they can complete the work to the best of their ability (Calculator, class notes etc)
  • Help keep a Home Learning routine for your child, it is helpful if your child has a dedicated place to work, remind them to check Class Charts as this will indicate when deadlines are approaching.
  • Encourage your child to use the library as a quiet space to complete their work independently if this can’t be achieved at home.
  • If your child is finding a piece of work difficult, encourage them to speak to their class teacher in the first instance for support with this.

Use of Class Charts to monitor the home learning being set.

How is Class Charts used for Home Learning? 

Teachers will set all home learning assignments using the Class Charts system. This means that at any time, students and their families can see exactly what home learning has been set, and when the homework is due. They can also see roughly how long each assignment should take, which will help them to manage their time